HC Deb 12 July 1916 vol 84 c304
7. Mr. R. McNEILL

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what diplomatic position is now filled at The Hague by Sir Francis Oppenheimer; whether this gentleman is a person of hostile origin or association; if he is aware that members of Sir Francis Oppenheimer's family have remained at Frankfurt-am-Main since the outbreak of war; and if he will say why British interests in neutral countries are not entrusted exclusively to men of British birth and association?


Sir Francis Oppenheimer is at The Hague in virtue of his appointment as Commercial Attaché to His Majesty's Legation, which he has held since January, 1912, with the personal rank of Acting Counsellor in the Diplomatic Service. He is a natural-born British subject, his father having come to this country in 1855, and having been naturalised in 1864. I am not aware that members of Sir F. Oppenheimer's family have remained at Frankfort-am-Main, though I understand that his mother was required to leave that city by the German authorities. His Majesty's Government consider him exceptionally qualified for his appointment, and have the highest opinion of his services to this country, the value of which it would be difficult to overestimate.


The Noble Lord has not answered the last part of the question—why British interests in neutral countries are not entrusted exclusively to men of British birth and association?


He is of British birth and association. He is entrusted with these duties because His Majesty's Government are quite satisfied that no one could discharge them better.