HC Deb 06 July 1916 vol 83 cc1675-7
20 and 22. Mr. LYNCH

asked the Home Secretary (1) whether the Congested Districts Board intends to carry into effect the eviction notice served against Cornelius Killeen, at the Tiermanagh farm, Kelly-Kenny estate. West Clare; whether account will be taken of public opinion in the neighbourhood of the fact that Cornelius Killeen is considered to have been entitled to a holding on the farm, and also of the fact that the suit is at the instance of a farmer, John McMahon, who-has extensive holdings elsewhere and who has no claim on this farm, apart from having been favoured by the Board; whether the whole transaction will be revised and regard be held to the intentions of the Land Act of 1909; and (2> whether he will obtain from the Congested Districts Board an explanation of the proceedings in reference to the Tiermanagh farm, on the Kelly-Kenny estate, West Clare; whether it was by virtue of the provisions of the Land Act of 1909, which was intended to relieve congestion, that the congests of the district have been deprived of the benefit of the division of the land, while a farmer, John McMahon, who has extensive holdings in another district, has been given a large block of the Tiermanagh farm; and whether these proceedings will be reversed and the purposes of the Act carried out?


The Congested Districts Board, after careful consideration, decided to migrate Mr. John McMahon to Doolough Lodge and 63 acres of land in Tiermanagh on condition that he surrendered for the relief of congestion his two holdings situate in seven detached parcels intermixed with other holdings in Drummin and an agreement to carry out this arrangement has been entered into between Mr. McMahon and the Board. The Board intend to utilise the holdings surrendered by McMahon, together with about 130 acres of untenanted lands in their hands on the Kelly-Kenny Estate, for the enlargement of small holdings on the estate in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acts. Cornelius Killeen occupied Doolough Lodge under a caretaker's agreement and held some of the untenanted lands on the estate under a grazing agreement. This grazing agreement expired some months ago, and as Killeen refused to give up possession of the lodge, legal proceedings to obtain possession were taken and possession has now been obtained. The Congested Districts Board carefully considered Killeen's application for Doolough Lodge with land attached before entering into the above-mentioned agreement with John McMahon. The arrangements made with McMahon will not be altered.


In view of the fact that the opinion is held locally that these proceedings run directly counter to the provisions of the Land Act of 1909, will the right hon. Gentleman see whether any means exist of revising the decision of the Board in order to prevent local trouble?


If it is the case that the proceedings contravene the Statute legal proceedings could, no doubt, be taken to upset them.


If they contravene the spirit of the Statute, if not exactly the letter of the law, will he take proceedings?


That is not the opinion of the Congested Districts Board, which is charged with the administration.