HC Deb 04 July 1916 vol 83 c1351

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether he is aware that on 10th May, when the Ripley (Derby) Co-operative Society appealed for four men to be exempted, the military adviser told the society's secretary that it was not in the national interests that co-operative societies should exist, because they do not pay Income Tax; that a special meeting of the members has expressed the opinion that this statement prejudiced these four cases, that this adviser does not deal impartially with such cases, and that another person should be appointed to deal with their cases; and will he give instructions for some other person to attend when this society's cases are to be considered?


My attention has been called to a statement made to the local tribunal in connection with an application by the Ripley Co-operative Society. Instructions have been sent to all military representatives informing them that the question of the special arrangements as to Income Tax in connection with co-operative societies are not relevant to an application for the exemption of employés of such societies. I am not aware of the circumstances mentioned in the latter part of the question, but I think that the instructions to which I have referred will meet the case.