HC Deb 04 July 1916 vol 83 cc1370-1
64. Colonel YATE

asked the Secretary of State for India under what Regulation officers on the supernumerary list of the Indian Army have their Indian pay cut when temporarily employed under the War Office?

The COMPTROLLER of the HOUSEHOLD (Mr. Charles Roberts)

The officers of the Indian Army, to whom I understand my hon. and gallant Friend to refer, ordinarily receive "unemployed" pay, which has been fixed on the assumption that they would not be receiving other pay from Government sources. On their employment by the War Office the question of the total emoluments that these officers should be permitted to draw was discussed with that Department, and it was decided that in certain cases a reduction of Indian unemployed pay should be made with the object of fixing the aggregate emoluments at reasonable rates, having regard to British and Indian scales of pay generally. Under this decision officers whose War Office pay does not exceed £200 a year continue to receive their full Indian unemployed pay; in other eases a reduction is made which varies according to the rate of pay received from the War Office.

Colonel YATE

Will the hon. Gentleman answer my question: Under what Regulation has this been done?


I gather that it is not a Regulation, but a decision between the War Office and the India Office.

Colonel YATE

Then I am to understand that this is done ultra viresand contrary to the Regulations?


I do not think that inference can be drawn.

Colonel YATE

I do.