HC Deb 13 January 1916 vol 77 c1777

asked the President of the Board of Trade, whether, arising out of recent railway accidents involving the firing of carriages and consequent additional loss of life, representations have been made to the various railway companies suggesting the lighting of trains by electricity in place of gas; and, if such representations have been made, will he state the nature of the replies received by the Board?


The Board of Trade have been in frequent correspondence with the railway companies on this subject, and they have recently asked the companies to consider what further steps they can take to accelerate the change from gas to electricity on main line and express services. The replies received show that the companies generally have made considerable progress in effecting this change, but that the wark has necessarily been interfered with owing to shortage of labour and material and other conditions caused by the War. My hon. Friend may rest assured that the Board of Trade are fully alive to the importance of this matter, and that it will continue to receive their careful attention.

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