HC Deb 12 January 1916 vol 77 c1589
21. Captain DOUGLAS HALL

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware that Private A. Newnham, No. 7424 late Royal Engineers, 1st Field Squadron, was wounded at Ypres on or about the 24th May, 1915, and not only lost his left leg but received about ten wounds in his chest and under his arms; that he was discharged on or about the 9th November, 1915, and instructed to write to the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, about his pension; and that he wrote to them on or about the 30th November and received a reply saying that his letter would receive due attention; and whether, seeing that he served on or about fourteen years 225 days in the Royal Engineers and is married and has one child and that, up to the 8th January, 1916, he has not received any pension whatsoever, he will say whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


I am having inquiries made into this case, and will inform the hon. and gallant Member in due course of the result.