HC Deb 11 January 1916 vol 77 cc1442-3
33. Mr. P. MEEHAN

asked to what extent Grants made to the Department by the Development Commissioners have been reduced or affected; and whether Grants made by the Development Commissioners to the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society have been affected to the same extent or at all?


A reduction of £20,293 as compared with the provision, amounting to £40,802, made in the estimate for 1915–16 (exclusive of the provision for certain important harbour works now approaching completion) is in contemplation 'this year on the Grants coming to the Department from the Development Commissioners. The chief items on which reductions have been proposed by the Development Commissioners for the purpose of economy are the following:—

Suspension of the Grant for the purchase of land for afforestation purposes 7,500
Reduction proposed in the Grant (£10,000) for horse-breeding 5,000
Reduction proposed on the balance (£6,000) of the moneys allocated for the building of a Veterinary Research Laboratory, as the building operations are to be suspended until the termination of the War 5,510
The Department have no information as to whether any alteration is proposed in the amount of the Grant paid by the Development Commissioners to the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society.