HC Deb 11 January 1916 vol 77 c1445
47. Mr. KING

asked the Prime Minister whether, in connection with the development of policy initiated by the Military Service (No. 2) Bill, any decision has been arrived at by the' Cabinet as to the limit to be placed on the numbers of our Armies in the field and the limits below which the number must not fall of male workers required for national industries, overseas trade, transport, and other vital interests of the Empire?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Asquith)

It is the unanimous view of the Cabinet that the men dealt with in the Bill are indispensable for the Army, whatever decisions may be come to on the points referred to by my hon. Friend, which engage the serious and constant attention of the Government.


Will the Prime Minister take an opportunity during the Second Reading of this Bill to give us a little further and fuller information as to the figures and grounds of the Cabinet decision on this matter?

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