§ 19. Mr. FIELDasked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland), whether he is aware that the Wessex County Council has passed an order prohibiting the entrance of Irish live stock within their area; whether the Board of Agriculture has agreed to this proceeding; whether Ireland has been free from foot-and-mouth or any serious animal disease for a long time; and whether, seeing that there have been several serious outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease recently in England, he will state what the Department of Agriculture in Ireland intend to do in this matter?
§ Mr. T. W. RUSSELL (Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture,) IrelandThe Department are aware that the West Sussex County Council have made an order of the nature referred to. The Department have been in communication with the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries in the matter, and have strongly protested against the regulation of the council being kept in force, there being-no reason whatever to suspect the existence of foot-and-mouth disease in Ireland. There is, of course, no power vested in the Department to revoke the regulation in question. It may be added that comparatively few animals from Ireland are sent, as a rule, to West Sussex. I am sending the hon. Member a memorandum upon the whole subject giving fuller information than it is possible to furnish within the limits of a reply in the House.
§ Mr. FIELDMay I ask whether it is the fact that no foot-and-mouth disease has occurred in Ireland since July, 1914, and that we have had only one outbreak of anthrax, and that swine fever cases have considerably diminished in numbers?
§ Mr. RUSSELLThe last case of foot-and-mouth disease reported in Ireland was, as my hon. Friend has stated, in 1914. There has been one case of anthrax within the last two years. The figures for swine fever are, I am glad to say, on the downward grade. I am wholly at a loss for the reasons why this action was taken, but perhaps my hon. Friend would refer to the right hon. Gentleman the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture.