HC Deb 04 January 1916 vol 77 cc806-7
31. Mr. KING

asked the Prune Minister whether, in view of the fact that on 13th October it was estimated that our advances to our Allies equipped and maintained 3,000,000 men in the field, the present conditions remain as they did in this respect last October; and, if not, whether our advances to our Allies today are greater or less than they were three months ago?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to answer this question. I have given the House all the figures which I am at present in a position to give as to the advances to our Allies. I may add that on the occasion referred to my right hon. Friend the Financial Secretary quoted an estimate of the number of our Allies soldiers which could be maintained in the field by an expenditure equivalent in amount to our advances, and it is open to anyone else to make similar estimates.


Was that estimate based upon the figure that each soldier in the field costs £230 a. year or £300 a year?


It was based on the figure that the cost to the Allies is less than the amount stated by my hon. Friend.


Will the right hon. Gentleman give us to-morrow, in connection with the Bill to be introduced, some further figures which will enable us to judge generally of the whole financial, military and political situation as it is now?


I hope called upon to do so.