HC Deb 29 February 1916 vol 80 c864

asked whether the Army Council instruction, dated 28th January, whereby students preparing for the Roman Catholic priesthood are on no account at any time to be accepted for service in the Army, will be extended to other theological students?

115. Mr. SNOWDEN

asked if students in Catholic theological colleges have been given exemption from the Military Service Act, 1916, as a class; and, if so, will this exemption be given to medical students who are training for a profession of the highest importance to the community?


Instructions are now-being prepared under which theological students of all religious denominations will be treated alike. As regards the latter part of Question No. 115, no alteration has been made in the decisions already announced in reference to medical students. The Regulations have been framed upon the same lines as those for theological students. If there be any distinction, perhaps the treatment of the medical student is the more generous.