HC Deb 29 February 1916 vol 80 c890

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has received a resolution from the wholesale fruit trade in Sheffield deprecating further restrictions on the importation of fruit; whether he is aware that there has already been a considerable falling-off in the importation of fruit, that certain kinds of fruit form an important part of the food of the people, and that the Government has itself suggested that the consumption of meat might be diminished by the increased consumption of fruit; and whether, in view of these facts and the uncertainty existing especially among small traders, he is in a position to make a clearer statement as to the proposed policy in respect of the importation of fruit?


The Board of Trade have received representations from various sources with regard to the restrictions of the importation of fruit. Representative deputations of fruit importers have also been received by my right hon. Friend on the subject, as a result of which he hopes shortly to be in a position to make a more definite statement as to the policy to be adopted. I may, however, say at once that the Government have reluctantly come to the conclusion that some restriction will have to be imposed with a view to securing more tonnage space. I am not aware that any responsible Department of the Government have suggested that an increased consumption of fruit would lead to a smaller consumption of meat.