HC Deb 22 February 1916 vol 80 cc557-8
3. Commander BELLAIRS

asked what is the composition of the Contraband Committee; and what are its chief duties?


I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to my statement in the House on 26th January last (see OFFICIAL REPORT, cols. 3128–3129).

The description of the composition of the Contraband Committee and of its working occupies more than a column of the OFFICIAL REPORT, and can hardly be repeated in answer to a question.

Commander BELLAIRS

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware he then stated that there are two naval members of the Committee and that there has been a different statement made by the chairman of the Contraband Committee, to the effect that there is only one such member? There is a good deal of difference between one and two.


Certainly, there is a difference. If the hon. and gallant Member had put down in his question that that was the point he had in mind, I would have inquired into it. I believe the statement I made is correct, but, as the point was not raised in the hon. Member's question, I have not looked into it.

Colonel YATE

Does a naval member of the Committee mean an officer of the Royal Navy, or does it mean an official of the Admiralty?


When I made the statement undoubtedly I was dealing with the representation of Departments. I understood there were two members representing the Admiralty, or nominated in some way by the Admiralty, on the Committee.

Colonel YATE

There is no officer of the Royal Navy on that Committee?


I understood there was at least one officer of the Royal Navy. I thought the two representatives of the Admiralty included one naval officer. However, I cannot be sure about it, and, as doubt has been thrown on my statement, I should like to inquire into it. If a question is put down I will answer it.


Who are the members of the Contraband Committee?


If the hon. Gentleman will refer to my statement on the 26th January he will see I stated who was chairman of the Contraband Committee—an hon. Member of this House. I cannot give all the names offhand, but if a question is put down as to the actual names I will give an answer.