HC Deb 22 February 1916 vol 80 c566
17. Mr. CROOKS

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether his attention has been drawn to the case of the male civilian clerks in the Army Pay Corps, Woolwich, whose wages are 35s. per week; whether these men petitioned for a war bonus of 4s. a week, which was not granted; whether he is aware that since then four or five new paymasters have been appointed at £5 5s. per week and several female superintendents at £3 3s. a week, and have had to be taught their work; that while the male civilian clerks get no pay for overtime lady clerks and supervisors are paid; and whether he will reconsider the claims of these men for some concession?


The facts are as stated, but it should be added that the ladies and gentlemen appointed to higher positions had superior qualifications for higher duties. The rate paid to male civilian clerks for routine clerical work is considered sufficient.