HC Deb 17 February 1916 vol 80 cc221-2

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether any recompense or recognition, by award of honours or otherwise, has been given to the masters of the Channel packets plying to the principal British base in France for the devotion and unbroken success with which they have conducted for eighteen months a responsible and often perilous daily and nightly service?

20. Mr. PETO

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty in what practical way he proposes to recognise the services rendered to the nation and the sacrifices made by officers and men on ships serving as Fleet auxiliaries and on the ships of the merchant marine requisitioned by the Admiralty for War service?


The Board of Admiralty cordially associates itself with the tribute which my hon. Friends have paid in their questions to the services rendered in the one case by the Channel packets and in the other by the ships serving as Fleet auxiliaries and requisitioned by the Admiralty for war service. I gladly take this opportunity also of acknowledging the inestimable value to the Empire of the services rendered by the mercantile marine generally. I need hardly assure the House that these services will be adequately recognised at the proper time.


May I call attention to the word "practical" in my question? What I asked for was some indication of the practical way the Admiralty propose to recognise the services rendered by these men.


I said that their inestimable services would be adequately recognised at the proper time.