HC Deb 31 December 1916 vol 88 c1603
20. Mr. DEVLIN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, whether, in view of the closing of imports of Russian flax into Ireland and of the successful efforts of a ring of flax buyers in Belfast to cut down the price paid to Irish flax farmers to 21s. 10½d. a stone, as compared with 37s. 6d. paid for Dutch flax, and in view of the Irish Government's recommmendation to Irish farmers to grow flax, he will take steps to fix a minimum price for Irish-grown flax, so that the Irish flax growers may be safe guarded against the operations of the Belfast ring and be assured of the legitimate profits of their industry?


The Department of Agriculture have no information to show that flax buyers are keeping the price of flax down to the amount stated in the question. Prices up to 29s. per stone are being paid, and the price appears to be still rising. In the circumstances there does not appear to be a present necessity for the fixing of a minimum price as suggested.


If the right hon. Gentleman finds that in practice the operations of the Belfast ring do cut down prices, will he consider further the suggestion of a minimum price?


The closest possible attention is being paid to this subject from day to day.