HC Deb 04 December 1916 vol 88 cc746-7

(1) Section 41 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, as amended by any subsequent enactment, shall be extended so as to enable the corporation to make bylaws with respect to the structure, materials, design, alignment, and general symmetry of new buildings for the purpose of securing amenity and convenience in the reconstruction of areas, streets, houses, or buildings destroyed or damaged as aforesaid, and as respects any by-laws proposed to be made under that 'Section as so extended Section 221 of that Act (which relates to confirmation of bye-laws) shall apply with the substitution of "eight days" for "one month."


I beg to move to omit Clause 2. I think the main ground of difficulty in the earlier stages of this Bill arose with regard to proposals made perfectly naturally, and certainly made in the interests of the city, that the corporation should have a certain degree of control over the character of the buildings to be erected in Sackville Street and adjoining thoroughfares where damage had been done. It was natural that differences should exist between those who represented public interests for the beautification of the city and those who represented private interests. A compromise has been arrived at which is embodied in the Clause which I intend to propose in substitution for Clause 2. This compromise substitutes for what might have been elaborate and costly proceedings between the parties a simple process, by which, if there is a difference as to the character of the buildings proposed to be erected, and as to whether within certain limits they are suitable buildings for the situation, it is to be decided by arbitration in the manner familiar to us all, and provision is made for the various stages of that arbitration.

Question, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill," put, and negatived.