HC Deb 23 August 1916 vol 85 c2676

asked the Comptroller of the Household, as representing the National Health Insurance Commissioners, whether some approved societies under the National Insurance Acts are required by their rules to inform an applicant for admission of the acceptance or rejection of the application within a specified number of days, whereas other approved societies are bound by no such rule; whether the rule referred to was made obligatory by the Insurance Commissioners upon the societies whose rules contain it; whether the inequality as between one society and another has been pointed out to the Insurance Commissioners, who have replied that they are unable to consent to the deletion of the rule from the rules of any approved society; and, if so, whether he will undertake to put all approved societies on a common footing, either by abolishing the rule referred to or, preferably, making it obligatory on all approved societies?

Mr. CHARLES ROBERTS (Comptroller of the Household)

The rules of all societies approved after a certain date contain provision regarding the acceptance or rejection of applications for membership. The Commissioners have taken and are taking administrative steps with a view to obtaining the insertion of suitable provision for this purpose in the rules of all societies.