HC Deb 23 August 1916 vol 85 cc2653-4
11. Captain BATHURST

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that several thousands of regular farm workers have been exempted from military service by local and Appeal Tribunals until the end of the corn harvest or Michaelmas Day, but not afterwards; and whether, in view of the apprehension entertained by farmers throughout the country as to the possibility of ploughing and cultivating their arable land in the forthcoming autumn after their farm servants usually so employed have joined the Colours, and the threatened consequent reduction of the area sown with wheat and winter oats, he will give instructions to the tribunals to permit a further extension of time in the case of farm workers until after autumn cultivations and sowings have been completed, in all cases where it can be shown that this work cannot reason ably be carried through in their absence?


The gravity of the situation is appreciated. Instructions have already been issued to tribunals with regard to it, but I will see if further instructions are necessary?


Will the same instructions be issued with regard to migratory labourers from Ireland who come here to do harvest work?


No; they come under a different class of instructions, which are being issued with regard to them.


Do I understand that those instructions will be issued forthwith, as the matter is very urgent?


What I said was that instructions have already been issued in regard to it, but I will look into the point to see if further instructions ought to be issued, and, if so, they will be issued as soon as possible.


Does the hon. Gentleman realise that, although these instructions may have beer issued, the Appeal Tribunals in many cases have certainly not been acting on those instructions?


That is one of the things I want to look into.