HC Deb 23 August 1916 vol 85 cc2650-1
4. Mr. KING

asked the Secretary of State for War whether a conscientious objector, D. G. Lindsay, is now undergoing two years' imprisonment at Wandsworth prison; and whether he will be able to put his case before the Central Tribunal?


There is no conscientious objector of the name mentioned by the hon. Member at Wandsworth prison, but wherever he may be situated he will be dealt with under the scheme announced by the Prime Minister as the case is one which presumably has been dealt with by Army Order No. X. of the 25th May.


Is the hon. Gentleman not aware that this conscientious objector entered as an ordinary prisoner, and that there are some very remarkable facts in connection with this case? Will the hon. Gentleman look into it?


Yes, Sir. As far as I know, I am not aware that there is anything in the point which my hon. Friend suggests, but I will make inquiry.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether the War Office will take steps to see that ministering elders, i.e.ministers, of the International Bible Students' Association, who are bonâ fide conscientious objectors, shall be exempted from military service; and, in particular, if he will inquire into the case of Henry Percival Peart, a ministering elder of the association, who appeared before the Bishop Auckland tribunal on 10th March and was given absolute exemption; and whether he is aware that on the appeal of the military representative at the Durham County Appeal Tribunal on 30th March this was altered to E. C. S., and that, as Peart was unable to accept the exemption, he is now incarcerated in Newcastle Gaol?


Members or elders of this association who are bonâ-fide conscientious objectors have the same rights as other conscientious objectors, and I do not understand the suggestion that the War Office should take steps as to their exemption since exemptions on conscientious grounds are matters for the tribunals. I will inquire into the case of Peart, if the hon. Member will forward me his regiment and number.