HC Deb 23 August 1916 vol 85 c2664
34. Captain BATHURST

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture whether he is aware that the price of rennet for cheese-making is six times that obtaining prior to the War, is still rising, and is threatening to restrict the production of cheese in Cheshire, Wiltshire, and elsewhere; and whether the Board is taking any steps to acquaint cheese-makers with the value of possible substitutes and where they can be obtained?


The Board are aware that there has been a very considerable rise in the price of rennet, but, as it is still quite a small item in the cost of cheese-making, farmers do not, I think, make it the determining factor in deciding whether to make cheese or not. The Board have taken steps to increase the importation of rennet, and have issued advice as to the preparation of home-made rennet in this month's "Journal." The question of substitutes is under examination, but at present the Board do not think it desirable to advise the use of any of them.