HC Deb 22 August 1916 vol 85 cc2468-70
30. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that the rates of pay authorised in a circular issued by the Ministry for women and girl munitions workers at various ages are not paid to women workers in factories and controlled establishments where the eight-hours working day is in operation; and whether he will advise that the authorised rates be paid in all establishments where the normal working day is in operation?


I am not aware of any such case as that referred to in the question, but if my hon. Friend will bring any such case to my notice, I will make inquiries. It is possible that my hon. Friend is referring to the case of women engaged on men's work, who, in accordance with the provisions of the Minister's Order embodying Circular L2, are rated at £1 per week reckoned on the usual working hours of men in the engineering trade in the district.


Has the right hon. Gentleman inquired into the case which I mentioned last week of the National Munitions Factory? Does the right hon. Gentleman admit that what I said was right, or will he make inquiry?


We are making inquiry.


Where the women and girls are employed forty-eight hours a week, will the right hon. Gentleman recommend that they be paid the minimum of £1 a week?


So far as Circular L2 is concerned, the regulations should be complied with, and if my hon. Friend has any case to bring forward where they have not been complied with it will be dealt with at once.


If the men get a full week's pay for forty-eight hours a week, and the girls work forty-eight hours a week and do not get a full week's pay, will the right hon. Gentleman see that they are paid £1 a week?


If that is being done.


If it is being done, will the right hon. Gentleman see that the girls get a full week's pay?


They will have a full week's pay in the district where forty-eight hours are a full week's work.


If the men work forty-eight hours for a full week's pay, will the girls working there get the minimum of £1 a week?


We cannot say whether that number of hours is worked in different districts.


In a district where the men get a full week's pay for a forty-eight hours' week, will the right hon. Gentleman see that the girls get it?


Certainly, if that is a week's work.


I beg to give notice that I shall call attention to this subject on the Motion for the Adjournment.

32. Mr. THORNE

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that in Circular L2, dated October, 1915, which deals with the rates of pay to women workers on munition work, paragraph 1, states that women workers of eighteen years of age and over employed on time work or work customarily done by men shall be rated at £1 per week, reckoning on the usual working hours of men in engineering establishments of the particular district; that employers in all-parts of the country are refusing to pay more than £1 per week; that many trade unions have applied on behalf of women to a number of employers for an advance over the £1 per week, mainly in consequence of the extraordinary rise in the price of foodstuffs since October, 1915, and are asking that the rate shall be raised to 25s. per week; and if he can see his way to receive a trade union deputation with a view to arriving at a satisfactory conclusion?


The points raised in this question have been brought to my notice. The matter is under consideration, and I am referring it for advice to my right hon. Friend who advises the Government on Labour questions.