HC Deb 22 August 1916 vol 85 c2461
15. Mr. WING

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if he can now give any figures to show the improvement in the issue of the temporary allowances to discharged soldiers awaiting the award of pension?


From a test analysis of the cases dealt with on 7th and 8th August I found that the number of cases in which there was a delay of over a week amounted to 18 per cent. From a similar analysis made last week the number had fallen to 9 per cent., showing a satisfactory improvement. Arrangements have been made and instructions were issued last Saturday which will, I think, subject to the unavoidable margin due to human error, produce prompt payment to all men discharged on medical grounds in future, and all men who have already been discharged will be dealt with as rapidly as possible after their cases have been brought to notice.


If in the case of a man who does not get the temporary allowance it is paid by the local pension committee, will the War Office refund that amount?


I should think so, but I must not be taken as giving a definite undertaking, without consideration; but the request would appear to be reasonable.


Would it be worth while for a man to make representations to the local pension committee if he was not getting the money?

