HC Deb 22 August 1916 vol 85 c2473
44. Mr. LUNDON

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to that portion of the Hardinge Report where Major Price cast reflections upon the appointments to the magistracy in recent years by the Lord Chancellor; will he say whether there was any foundation for the statement of Major Price; and, if not, will he take steps to see that this gentleman, who is drawing a double salary as a Government officer, will be compelled to withdraw the insinuations made not alone against the Lord Chancellor, but against a big body of respectable Irish citizens?


My attention has been called by the hon. Member himself to the evidence mentioned in the question. The facts as to the appointment of magistrates by the present Lord Chancellor of Ireland were stated in my reply of Wednesday last to the question of the hon. Member for North Sligo. The reply given to the hon. Member's question of the 7th August made it clear that Major Price was not drawing a double salary. As to the continued employment of Major Price I cannot add anything to what was said by the Home Secretary in answer to a question of the hon. Member on the 7th instant.


May I ask whether, in view of the fact that there can be no confidence in the administration of the law in Ireland when there is such a man as Major Price, he will ask the Secretary of State for War to withdraw him from Ireland to this country and utilise his services here, or otherwise send him to the front?