HC Deb 21 August 1916 vol 85 c2283
62. Mr. CURRIE

asked the Comptroller of the Household, as representing the National Health Insurance Commissioners, whether the experience of approved societies in Scotland has differed so materially from that of societies in England and Wales that amending legislation on the basis of the recommendations in the Ryan Committee's Report would in effect place charges upon Scottish societies for the benefit of those in England and Wales; and whether any estimate or official information of skilled evidence is available as to the extent to which this might take place?

Mr. CHARLES ROBERTS (Comptroller of the Household)

The Departmental Committee recommend a strictly limited reinsurance of risk in which it is contemplated that the whole insured community should participate. If the hon. Member will read the Report I think he will see that the Committee in their recommendations have been most careful to safeguard the position of the national funds established under the existing law. I am advised that in the operation of the scheme the balance may at any particular valuation incline to a small extent in one direction or another, but having regard to the accepted principles of insurance I do not think it can be said that this involves unfairness to any particular group of societies.