HC Deb 21 August 1916 vol 85 c2270
69. Mr. THORNE

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that the India Bubber and Gutta Percha Telegraph Company's works at Silvertown, East, is a controlled factory; if he is aware that the carpenters working in the shop are not being paid the district rate of wages; that the pieceworkers in the same shop, whatever they earn, are not paid more than the hour rates, and that any balance of money which accumulates under this system is kept in hand as a fund to make up for deficiencies in earnings on future hour-rate jobs which are given out at so low a price that the men are unable to earn the proper rate; that, in consequence of this method of payment, there are three or four men who are entitled to draw at least £15; that this is a violation of Section 6 of the Munitions of War (Amendment) Act, 1916; and if he intends taking any action in the matter?


The matters referred to in this question have just been brought to my notice and I am making inquiries. I will communicate the result to my hon. Friend in due course.