HC Deb 17 August 1916 vol 85 c2061
55. Mr. PETO

asked the Secretary to the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the case of the widow of Frederick John Howe, driver in the Army Service Corps, who died on the 16th April, 1916, in consequence of gas poisoning whether he is aware that, owing to Mrs. Howe having received no pension or other allowance since her husband's death, three of her five children have had to be sent to the workhouse and almost everything she possessed has been sold; and whether he will give this matter immediate attention and see that the arrears of pension due to her, which amount, approximately, to £35, are promptly paid?


I am making inquiry into this case and will inform my hon. Friend of the result.

56. Mr. HOGGE

asked whether the Statutory Committee intend to pay the supplementary pensions through the local post offices?


The Statutory Committee hope to make satisfactory arrangements with the War Office and Admiralty, so that supplementary pensions may be paid through the local post offices with the State flat-rate pensions.