HC Deb 16 August 1916 vol 85 c1842
19. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Secretary of State for War if the guard composed of Royal Defence Corps, formerly National Reserve, now guarding certain explosive works, are about to be moved from their billets and placed under canvas, which involves expense; that the site of the works is unsuitable in every way for camping purposes, being on boggy land much below sea level, that the fumes from the acid boiling sheds blow over the parts of the island patrolled by the guard, causing pains and injury to the eyes and throat of the sentries, and that there is no proper system of drainage, which passes into an open ditch close to the site of the camp; is he aware that the present guard of No. 57 Protection Company, Royal Defence Corps, have been guarding these works since February last, that they are all men of middle age, several over fifty, and that for health and humanitarian reasons they should be given a change of station; and will he send a competent medical officer to inspect the proposed camping ground and report thereon?


I have caused inquiry to be made on this matter, and I will send results to my hon. Friend by letter, with his permission, as soon as they are received.