HC Deb 16 August 1916 vol 85 cc1847-8

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will take the necessary steps to accelerate the work which has been considered advisable to undertake in connection with the conversion of the union at Elham into a hospital for sick Canadian soldiers; if he is aware that, although the Government has now taken over the whole of this block of buildings, which it is estimated can accommodate some five to six hundred patients, arrangements are only in progress for the reception of 200; if his attention has been called to the position of the present tent hospital for such eases as it is contemplated to send to the Elham institution; if he knows that the men are now in immediate proximity to the much frequented and dusty high road between Hythe and Folkestone and that the tents and the patients are visible to every passer-by; and if he will take steps to provide more suitable accommodation either in the buildings or grounds at Elham?


The building referred to has been allotted to the Canadian authorities and they are making their own arrangements. The Army Council have no information regarding any work contemplated or already undertaken at this hospital, but I will make inquiries.