HC Deb 15 August 1916 vol 85 c1630

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture whether he can remove the uncertainty that exists as to the terms on which farmers can obtain the temporary use of soldiers for harvesting or other urgent agricultural work; whether the soldiers thus released regain -for the time being their civil rights or remain subject to military law; whether they are paid the harvesting wages of agricultural labourers or continue to draw their ordinary rates of pay as soldiers; whether there is any difference in amount between the money paid by the farmer for the use of these soldiers and the money actually received by the soldiers; and, if so, what is the difference?


I do not think there should be any uncertainty. Full information has been issued by the Board of Agriculture and the War Office, and can be obtained at the local Labour Exchange. Soldiers allowed on furlough for agricultural work remain subject to military law. They are paid a special rate of harvesting wages. I think that I sent to my hon. Friend a copy of the relevant Army Council Instructions.