HC Deb 15 August 1916 vol 85 cc1780-2

(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, any reference to a ship shall include a reference to a share in a ship.

(2) The principal Act and this Act shall have effect during the continuance of the present War and a period of two years thereafter, and Sub-section (2) of Section three of the principal Act is hereby extended accordingly.

(3) This Act shall be read as one with the principal Act, and the principal Act and this Act may be cited together as the British Ships (Transfer Restriction) Acts, 1915 and 1916.


I beg to move, in Subsection (2), to leave out the word "two" ["and a period of two years thereafter"], and to insert instead thereof the word "three."

I only desire to raise this small point for the consideration of the representative of the Board of Trade. I congratulate him on having introduced this Bill, and was sorry he was unable to be here at an early hour this morning when we passed the Second Reading of the Bill. We have not had time to put Amendments on the Paper. This is the only one I intend to move. I think that as it is a good Bill it ought to continue for more than two years after the War. In the first place, what is meant by the end of the War? It is not fixed in the Bill. It may mean when the War closes or when peace is signed. I imagine that peace negotiations will probably take three or four months, or perhaps six months or more. I, therefore, suggest the hon. Gentleman would be on the safe side by accepting this Amendment, which, I think, is a reasonable one.

10.0 P.M.


I quite appreciate the reason given by my right hon. Friend for carrying this Bill on a little further. Of course, that applies not only to this Bill, but also to the Act passed in 1915, upon which this Bill is based; and, if it is the opinion of the Committee that it is wiser to take three years, I shall not resist the Amendment. I think, perhaps, on the whole, it is more desirable. The Committee will understand it does not mean that no transfer can take place either for two years or three years, but that if it is desirable there should be a transfer within that period it can be granted. Under those circumstances I shall be prepared to accept the Amendment, and I beg to thank the House for having passed the Second Reading last night in my absence.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Bill reported.

As amended, considered.