HC Deb 14 August 1916 vol 85 cc1395-6

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether the Chester and West Cheshire Appeal Tribunal, on the 8th instant, refused the appeal of Mr. George Beardsworth, of Birkenhead, on the ground that his objection to military service was political and not conscientious, although Mr. Beardsworth called witnesses to prove that he had a moral objection to war previous to August, 1914, and that from the attitude of the members of the tribunal it was clear that they were influenced against Mr. Beardsworth by the fact that he is a Socialist and that he has taken part in the opposition to Conscription; whether he will instruct the tribunal that a moral objection to war, apart from a religious objection, is recognised as a ground for exemption by the Act; and what action he proposes to take in this particular case?


I am not acquainted with the facts of this case; but I have no reason to think that the Appeal Tribunal are not aware that exemption may be granted in respect of a conscientious objection based on moral grounds, and I do not see sufficient reason for my intervention. I propose to send to the tribunal a copy of the hon. Member's question and of my reply.


asked the President of the Local Government Board whether the Salford Hundred Appeal Tribunal, on the 8th instant, refused the appeal of Mr. Charles Dukes, East Lancashire organiser of the Gas Workers and General Labourers' Union, although his anti-militarist views have beer, well known in the district for years; and what action he proposes to take?


I am aware of the decision of the Appeal Tribunal and do not see any reason for my intervention. The appeal was made on conscientious grounds and the Appeal Tribunal are obviously in a much better position than I am to judge of the merits of the case.