HC Deb 10 August 1916 vol 85 cc1240-1
83. Mr. BOOTH

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he has received the resolution from the Employers' Parliamentary Association to the effect that the committee is of opinion that His Majesty's Government should not adopt the recommendations of the Departmental Committee on Approved Society Finance and Administration, but that the Government should appoint a Special Commission of experts charged with the duty of framing a scheme of national health insurance, the terms of reference of which Commission should be to consider and report as to the whole financial and administrative structure of the National Insurance Act, with a view to the remodelling of the present measure so as to provide for the due representation of employers in its administration and a more equitable incidence of taxation as regards employers' and workpeople's contributions, and that, pending the appointment and Report of such a Commission, no valuation of approved societies shall take place according to Section 36 of the Act of 1911; and will he say what reply he proposes to make to this representative body?


I have received the resolution referred to, but I have been unable to come to the conclusion that it would be practicable to set up such a far-reaching inquiry at the present time.


Does not the right hon. Gentleman consider it very advisable that the great employers of the country should be brought into harmony with this Act—does he not remember their opposition to it when it was passed, and does he not welcome their co-operation?


I am afraid my hon. Friend has taxed my memory too much in putting three questions at once. Perhaps he will put them on the Paper.


I will put them down for Monday if my right hon. Friend will undertake to answer them and not pass them down the bench.