HC Deb 09 August 1916 vol 85 c1023
5. Mr. M. BARLOW

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will have the case of Temporary Lieutenant C. A. Schurr, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, who died recently of enteric, inquired into; whether his widow is entitled to a pension; if not, whether a gratuity can be granted to her, and of what amount?


The case of the late Temporary Lieutenant C. A. Schurr, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, is at present under consideration, it being necessary to decide to what extent, if any, his death was attributable to the Service. A decision on this point will be reached in a day or two, and the widow will then be informed as to the amount of the award (whether pension or gratuity) for which she may be eligible. She will not, in any case, receive less than a gratuity of one year's pay of her husband's rank.