HC Deb 03 August 1916 vol 85 cc476-7

asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that an increased salary to Irish prison warders has been sanctioned by the Treasury since last April, and that although almost four months have elapsed since then the warders have received no advance; if he is aware that the cost of living has in creased by nearly 100 per cent., and that prison warders are paying indirectly a large portion of their salary towards the carrying on of the War, and that they are only receiving the same salary now as they did two years ago; and will he say when the Government intend to increase the salaries of these officers?


I would refer to the reply which I gave on the 24th ultimo to a question of the hon. Member for South-East Cork. I am informed that the proposals of the General Prisons Board for giving effect to the decision of the Treasury in this matter are about to be submitted by that Board to the Irish Government I have urged them to expedite the matter.


Will that apply to female prison warders?


I have already replied to the effect that I hope he will be able to do so.