HC Deb 03 August 1916 vol 85 cc509-10

On a point of Order. I want to know if it is in order for an hon Member of this House to use the medium of the Question Paper for making insinuations reflecting upon the conduct of another hon. Member. My reason for asking is to be found in Question No. 100. The hon. Member referred to has made a statement in this House that he offered to enlist in the Officers' Training Corps and was not passed as fit for active service, and in view of that statement I want to know if it is in order for questions of this kind to be put down reflecting upon the conduct of an hon. Member?


I did consider this question. It was handed in, and I felt some doubt as to whether it ought to be admitted or not. Then I looked at Question 98. One of the hon. Member's colleagues had asked a question with regard to an outsider, and it occurred to me, if it were permissible to ask questions as to outsiders, that there was no reason why they should not be asked with regard to Members of this House.