53. Mr. SHIRLEY BENNasked the Prime Minister if he will give the names of the officers or persons responsible for co-operation between the Air Services of the Navy and the Army during an enemy raid over the United Kingdom?
§ Major BAIRD(repiesenting the Air Board): It would be undesirable to give the names of the officers or persons who, under the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief Home Forces, on the one hand, as exclusively responsible for Home defence and the Board of Admiralty on the other, as responsible for the defence of our shores, are engaged on the duties which the hon. Member describes. But the hon. Member may rest assured that there is effective co-ordination between the two services.
Mr. BENNIf I can show that there was not proper co-ordination between the two services the night before last, will the Government take action to see that in future there is?
§ Major BAIRDUndoubtedly we shall be grateful for any information showing how the arrangements can be improved.