HC Deb 01 August 1916 vol 85 cc32-3
51. Mr. KING

asked the Home Secretary whether he can give any information concerning any deputations received by him, or requests for deputations, of persons who have approached him with proposals as to the policy of deporting Russian Jews to Russia?


A small number of requests to receive deputations have been made to me. I have received one deputation of Russian journalists. It was of a private character.


asked whether citizens of France, Italy, and Belgium of military age are liable to be deported without such an opportunity of appearing before a tribunal as is enjoyed by Russian citizens?


For many months His Majesty's Government have rendered assistance to the French, Belgian, and Italian Governments by returning to them their own subjects who are recalled to the Colours. The Russian Government have given permission to their subjects living in the territories of their Allies to enlist in the Armies of their Allies, and those subjects therefore stand on a different footing. I see no reason for altering the arrangements hitherto in force with respect to the French, Belgians, and Italians. I would express my regret that an answer which I gave to a supplementary question on the 18th July is open to misunderstanding. I had in mind only the new arrangements which are in prospect, but are not yet in operation, with respect to Russians.


Does that mean that French Japanese, or Portuguese political refugees may be deported without appeal to any tribunal?


The Japanese and Portuguese Governments have made no request, so far as I am aware, for the return of their subjects.