HC Deb 29 September 1915 vol 74 cc820-1
4. Lieutenant - Commander WEDGWOOD

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that some commanding officers of units are much more willing than others to grant leave to men in the ranks who have seen service and done well to accept commissions; and whether anything has been done to secure uniformity in this matter?


My hon. and gallant Friend will recognise that there are different features in different cases, and that absolute uniformity is not possible; but the Army Council desire that there should be a general uniformity, and General Officers Commanding have been directed to ensure that the Army Council's instructions regarding the recommendation of suitable candidates for commissions are carried out by all commanding officers.

Lieutenant-Commander WEDGWOOD

May I ask whether these recommendations are a recent order, or are old-standing Regulations?


There have been a great many letters issued to commanding officers on this vexed and difficult subject of recommendation for commissions. If my memory serves me rightly, the last one was sent out four or five weeks ago.