HC Deb 21 September 1915 vol 74 c313
50. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Secretary to the Treasury how many pounds of tea were taken out of bond for the weeks ending 5th and 12th September, 1914, and how many pounds were taken out of bond for the weeks ending 4th and 11th September, 1915?


The answer is as follows:—

Quantity Duty Paid.
1914—Sept. 1st to 5th (5 days) 4,814,000
1914—Sept. 7th to 12th (6 days) 4,973,000
1915—Sept. 1st to 4th (4 days) 7,268,000
1915—Sept. 6th to 11th (6 days) 9,720,000
Exact figures cannot be given, and approximate quantities can only be furnished for five and four days respectively in the weeks ending 5th September, 1914, and 4th September, 1915.


In the event of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's putting any extra tax on tea this afternoon is there any ways and means of getting at these particular gentlemen?