HC Deb 16 September 1915 vol 74 c159
37. Mr. YEO

asked if steps will be taken to provide for the trains bringing soldiers from the front arriving before midnight instead of after, so as to facilitate their movements to their homes?


I fully recognise the importance of promoting the convenience of the troops in regard to this matter, but I must point out that the leave trains have necessarily to run in connection with the leave boat, and that the running of the boat is regulated by Admiralty considerations and military requirements generally. If any opportunity can be discovered of more fully meeting the convenience in this matter of men proceeding on leave, advantage will at once be taken of it. I may add that increased facilities are now being granted.


Is not the right hon. Gentleman of opinion that, in view of the excessive charges which have been made by cabmen to brave and gallant fellows returning to the front, some officer should be put in charge to see that these men are not "done down" like they are?


If my hon. Friend will bring to my notice a specific case of that kind I will certainly have investigation made.


Has not the right hon. Gentleman seen in the daily papers reports of prosecutions of cabmen for "doing" soldiers by charging excessive fees? There have been repeated cases during the last fortnight.