HC Deb 20 October 1915 vol 74 c1802

asked the President pf the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the statement made at the annual conference of the Federation of Boot Trades Associations that leather was now selling at 3s. 6d., as compared with 1s. 10½d. before the War; that tanners' factors were reaping enormous profits; and to a resolution passed by this federation asking the Government to control the price of leather; and whether the Government intend to take action on the lines suggested?


My right hon. Friend has seen a report of the Conference to which the hon. Member refers. In view of the numerous varieties of leather, and of the hides and skins and tanning materials used in its manufacture, he is not disposed to think that control of the price of leather sold for civilian purposes can be better controlled by administrative action than by trade competition. I would point out that a necessary corollary of the control of the price of leather would be the control of the prices at which manufactures of leather should be sold.