HC Deb 14 October 1915 vol 74 c1473
115. Sir F. LOWE

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in calculating the amount of income derived from freehold or leasehold property for Super-tax purposes, allowances are made for the amounts expended by the owner for management expenses, insurances, and repairs; and, if not, why, this being a personal tax and not a tax on the property itself, the individual taxpayer is called upon to pay Super-tax upon income which he has not actually received?


I may remind the hon. Member that the Super-tax is an additional duty of Income Tax, and that the same allowances for repairs, etc., apply to the Super-tax as to the Income Tax.


May I ask what is the reason why owners of property in rural districts are allowed to make all those deductions while owners of property in urban districts are only allowed to make a limited number of deductions, so that they really have to pay on income they do not receive, both ordinary Income Tax and Super-tax?


My hon. Friend has pointed out a distinction which exists in the present law, and which I am not in a position to explain at the present moment.