HC Deb 14 October 1915 vol 74 c1447
18. Captain DONELAN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that there has recently been an extension of the munition works at Arklow, county Wicklow, and that a number of skilled and unskilled workers are now employed there; whether, seeing that the housing accommodation has been found inadequate to the present needs, he will take steps to secure that a Grant shall be made to the Arklow Urban District Council for the purpose of providing additional houses for munition workers; and whether, in accordance with the general undertaking given by the Prime Minister on 28th September last, he will invite the co-operation of the Ministry of Munitions, the Locol Government Board for Ireland, and the Board of Works with a view to expedite the necessary procedure as much as possible?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. I understand that the provision of additional accommodation for the munition workers at Arklow has already been taken in hand by the Urban District Council and Messrs. Kynochs, Limited, without Government assistance, but I am making further inquiry into the matter.

77. Mr. PRATT

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that the growing deficiency in housing accommodation in munitions areas is seriously hampering the output of munitions of war; and what steps he proposes to take?


My right hon. Friend is aware that the provision of housing accommodation for munition workers has given rise to difficulties in many places, and a special Department of the Ministry is dealing with the whole question. Investigations have been made and the requirements of all the most important areas have been ascertained. Schemes for meeting those requirements by building or otherwise have been prepared, and they are already being carried out in a number of places.