HC Deb 18 May 1915 vol 71 c2138
60. Mr. HOHLER

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, during the present War, the Admiralty will grant acting appointments as interpreters in the languages of the belligerents to petty officers who hold a certificate of proficiency in those languages and whose services have been or may be utilised?


The Regulations only contemplate the definite appointment of officers as interpreters or acting-interpreters, and such appointments are only made after a strict examination. But I may say that there are several cases in which petty officers have been and are being employed on interpreting duties, for which they receive extra pay.


What is the objection to giving these appointments to petty officers who have qualified themselves by their own endeavours?


I have pointed out that there is an examination for interpreterships. There are petty officers, however, who are being employed and who get pay for this work. I can only tell the hon. Gentleman the Regulations.


What I want to know is, what objection there is to giving them appointments?