HC Deb 11 May 1915 vol 71 c1485

asked the Postmaster-General whether any official intimation has been given to bankers and others of the fact that postal orders are no longer legal currency; whether he is aware that at country post offices in Ireland notices are still displayed stating that postal orders are to be accepted when tendered as cash; and, if so, whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


In addition to the notice given in the Royal Proclamation of the 3rd February, 1915, that postal orders would cease to be current and legal tender on the 4th February, a poster was issued for exhibition in all post offices. Bankers would, of course, be aware of the terms of the Royal Proclamation. Postal orders which circulated as currency before the 4th February are still being cashed at post offices, and will be so cashed until the end of this month.