HC Deb 11 March 1915 vol 70 c1553

asked the Prime Minister if he is aware that pressure is being brought upon many officials who have rendered valuable services to the public in civil avenues of life who are of military age to compel them, upon threat of dismissal, to join the military forces of the Crown; whether he is aware that proposals have been made in certain Departments of State to suspend the powers in various Acts which provide for the employment of inspectors in order that such inspectors may be compelled to undertake military service; and whether he has authorised high permanent officials at the War Office to send for and threaten minor officials of their Departments of State, who happen to be of military age, with a view to compelling them to join the Officers' Training Corps?


I am not aware of the truth of any of the statements in the hon. Member's question. It has rather been necessary, in order to maintain the efficiency of the public service, to refuse many applicants permission to join the Forces of the Crown. If the hon. Member can give me any specific instance in support of his statement, I will have inquiries made concerning it.


I will give them.