HC Deb 10 March 1915 vol 70 c1380

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that there have been difficulties in connection with recruiting for the Army due to the omission of firms from the published lists of those doing Government work; what are the conditions under which badges for workers on Admiralty contracts and sub-contracts are distributed to the employers for redistribution; what system is adopted for re-collecting the badges when Admiralty work is completed; and whether the Admiralty is working in unison with the War Office in these matters?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As I stated in the reply to my hon. Friend the Member for North-East Lanarkshire on 16th February, the badges are issued to men continuously engaged upon His Majesty's ships and armaments, their issue being restricted to those employés who, from their experience and skill, are absolutely indispensable for the rapid and effective execution of the work referred to. The regulations which have been issued provide for the re-collection of badges, when this becomes necessary, to be done by the contractors. The Admiralty and War Office are in close communication in regard to these matters.