HC Deb 08 March 1915 vol 70 cc1124-5
18. Mr. JOYCE

asked the President of the Board of Trade under what conditions of compensation pilots are placed who, in the performance of their duties, are either killed or injured by mines, torpedoes, or other hostile operations during the War; and he is aware that in several cases up to the present time pilots have been on board of ships that have been either mined or torpedoed?


Compensation in accordance with the scale laid down for officers and men on Fleet auxiliaries would be payable in respect of British pilots on British merchant ships who are killed or injured by mines, torpedoes, or other hostile operations during the War.


Does not the right hon. Gentleman know that the pilots have to go on board neutral ships as well as British ships, and, in the event of such neutral ships being mined or torpedoed and injury thus caused to the pilot, may I ask whether any compensation would be given?


I will consider that point sympathetically There are difficulties about those on board neutral vessels, but if neutral vessels are performing services to us we ought obviously to treat those who pilot them as we treat those on our own vessels.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that pilots are placed in a very peculiar position, as they have to give their services to every ship that comes along?