HC Deb 02 March 1915 vol 70 cc649-50

asked the President or the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to a resolution passed by the King's Lynn branch of the Railway Clerk's Association expressing its indignation that, while it has heard with pleasure of the advance of wages given to the outdoor staff, no advance has been given to the clerical staff, although its members are equally suffering from the increased cost of living; and whether he will use his influence to obtain for them the same consideration?


I cannot find that this particular resolution has been brought to my notice. As regards the attitude of the Board of Trade with regard to the adjustment of wages of particular grades of railway employés, I must refer the hon. Member to the reply given to my hon. Friend the Member for the Westhoughton Division on Thursday last.


Have some railway companies already placed their clerical staff on the same footing as the outdoor staff?


I have seen a statement in the "Railway Journal" to the effect that a number of companies have agreed to do so, but we have not yet received any official statement on the subject.